Family Legacy
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNo opinionDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
Too little contactAbout the right amountToo much contact
When a vaccine is widely availableI am unsureI am comfortable now, with appropriate precautionsOther (Please specify)
Video calls using Microsoft Teams and/or Zoom Tamarac Portal (Access to account performance data and performance reports) eMoney (Access to your financial plan), the custodian for your investments (Access accounts online)
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeither Satisfied nor DissatisfiedDissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Advisor understands your needs and goals
You know whom to contact if you have an issue or question
Accessibility to your advisor
Quick response when you contact your advisor
Advisor clearly explains his or her investment strategy and recommendations based on your financial plan
Ability to bring in other specialists when needed, such as a tax advisor or an estate attorney
ExtremelyLikelyLikelyNeutralNot LikelyNot at all Likely