Family Legacy

Dealing with Disruption: Divorce and Separation

COVID-19 has put new strains on our relationships, especially between spouses. It’s expected that many couples will choose to divorce after this major disruption is over. If parents need to separate, does it need to separate the family? We will explore how to divorce as amicably as possible while preserving a family’s values and preserving healthy relationships with the children. The burden of divorce shouldn’t fall on the children. It’s critical that we help couples navigate this transition successfully.

April 29th, 2020
03:00 PM EST
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    The Family Legacy helps families build a sustainable legacy of wealth and values.

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    04/29/2020 03:00 PM
    New York, NY 10065
    04/29/2020 04:00 PM
    Dealing with Disruption: Divorce and Separation
    New York, NY 10065
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